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We Help Your Property Reach Its Full Potential

Whether you want to add subtle changes to your backyard or dramatically overhaul your entire property, the team at Thrive Landscape Services offers exceptional landscape installation services. Contact us to schedule a free consultation to learn more about what we can do for your home or business.

An Exterior View of House and Garden Highlighting Landscape Design in Sandy, UT

Residential & Commercial Landscape Install Services

Our residential and commercial offerings bring stunning results to projects of all sizes, and we don’t consider any job finished until it’s done right to your satisfaction. Your home or business deserves the best, and with us as your landscaping contractor partner, we can make your property thrive. We offer numerous options to do as little or as much as you need to make you smile when you step outside.

Stunning Transformation & Quality Work

With eight dedicated installation teams of experienced craftsmen, our company can keep your important project on track and completed on time. Our work includes the following:

Fire Pits

Enjoy the brilliance of a fire in your backyard and say goodbye to rusted metal pits with your choice of hardscape finish.

Trampoline Pits

Increase the fun for kids while bringing peace of mind to you with a safe and ground-level trampoline pit. Perfect for businesses, too!

Tree Removal

Our team removes unwanted trees around your property to increase space, allow for more light, and remove dying species.

Garden Boxes

We create beautiful borders and transitions between the landscape and garden with high-quality garden box installation.

Turf or Cobble Conversion

You can make dramatic changes and help the environment by transforming grass into synthetic turf or cobble.

French Drains

This is a tried and true method to channel water away from any area to stop flooding and ponding indoors or outside.

Sod Installation

We offer sod installs for new landscape construction and property owners who need to start fresh for excellent results.

Learn More About Our Landscape Installations

The owner of Thrive Landscape Services has decades of experience working with high-profile corporate clients, and his vision for starting this business was to ensure homeowners and local businesses have access to this same type of specialized service. We’re passionate about delivering custom landscape installation services for home and business owners, and we look forward to discussing your project with you. Contact us to schedule your free estimate.

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