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About Us

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Our Team

Thrive brings professional grade landscaping to your home and business. Our experienced team will  help your property reach its full potential. We are proactive, collaborative and never satisfied until a job is done right. We believe you deserve quality work and service and, together, we can make your property thrive.

Derek Martindale of Thrive Landscapes Services
Derek Martindale


Drew gray Business Developer & Enhancement Manager at Thrive Landscapes Services
Drew Gray

Vice President of Commercial Maintenance

James Wilson - Business Developer & Estimating Construction
James Wilson

Vice President of Commercial Construction

Moises Vasquez as Residential Construction Division Manager at Thrive Landscape Services
Moises Vasquez

Residential Construction
Division Manager

Jay Ertman Plant Health Care & Residential Account Manager Maintenance at Thrive Landscapes Services
Jay Ertman

Residential Maintenance
Division Manager

Brian Ostler

Tree and Plant Health Care
Division Manager
Certified Arborist

Scott Cornelius

Lawn and Pest
Division Manager

Brittany Coleman
Brittany Coleman

Landscape Designer

Galen Howton Irrigation Manager at Thrive Landscapes Services
Galen Howton

Irrigation Manger

Lynn Yoder Enhancement Manager at Thrive Landscapes Services
Lynn Yoder

Enhancement Manager

Alisia Lopez as Business Administration at Thrive Landscape Services
Alisia Lopez

Business Administrator

Todd Smith Business Developer & Senior Account Manager at Thrive Landscapes Services
Todd Smith

Business Developer
Senior Account Manager

Ryan Pace as Business Developer at Thrive Landscape Services
Ryan Pace

Business Developer

Diego Sanchez Account manager Maintenance at Thrive Landscapes Services
Diego Sanchez

Account Manager

Greg Cutburth Account manager Irrigation Specialist Maintenance at Thrive Landscapes Services
Greg Cutburth

Account Manager

Jason Albert Senior Account Manager Maintenance
Jason Albert

Account Manager

Jay Ertman Plant Health Care & Residential Account Manager Maintenance at Thrive Landscapes Services
Jay Ertman

Plant Health Care & Residential Account Manager

Ivan Ortiz

Production Manager

Chandler Drachman

Project Manager

Jeremiah Lance

Project Manager

Enrique Villalobos

Project Manager

Derek Martindale by Thrive Landscaping Truck

Our Experience

My name is Derek Martindale and I’m a professional landscaper. I have a degree in Landscape and Business Management from BYU and have spent the last 20 years working at the largest landscaping firms creating and maintaining some of the most marquee properties in the country. From five-star resorts like the Montage, Ritz Carlton and St. Regis in Laguna Beach California to the pristine campuses of Amazon, Facebook, Adobe, eBay and Oracle to mega developments like Daybreak, Saratoga Springs and Station Park in Utah. I’ve had the opportunity to manage truly spectacular properties and build relationships with amazing people. I have surrounded myself with some of the best talent in the industry to bring you a depth of knowledge, experience and resources that your home or business deserves. With over 80 team members currently and growing, here are a few of the team members you would be working with directly when you hire Thrive.

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